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Flow Measurement Calculations Software

Weir, Orifice, Nozzle, Venturi, Tank Discharge, Pitot Tube, Pipe Leak, Bernoulli

Flow Measurement Software Section

Discharge through a hole in a tank

Leak rate from pipe crack (liquids)

Leak rate from pipe crack (gases)

Gas Flow Conversions (mass, standard, actual)

Bernoulli equation for pitot tube, dam, sluice gate, pipe leak, pipe expansion/contraction

Fire hydrant flow test analysis

Pipe Flow Measurement

Venturi for liquid and gas flow      Nozzle for liquid flow

Orifice for liquids (D<5cm)      Orifice for liquids (D>5cm)

Orifice for gases (D<5cm)      Orifice for gases (D>5cm)

D is pipe diameter

Weirs for Open Channel Flow Measurement

Rectangular      V Notch      Cipoletti

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LMNO Engineering, Research, and Software, Ltd.
7860 Angel Ridge Rd.   Athens, Ohio  45701  USA   Phone: (740) 707‑2614
LMNO@LMNOeng.com    https://www.LMNOeng.com