LMNO Engineering, Research, and Software, Ltd.

The fluid flow calculations website


Groundwater Calculations Section

Porous bed (packed bed, permeameter)

Hydraulic gradient and flow direction from well head data

Drawdown for unsteady groundwater flow to pumping well in confined aquifer (Theis well function calculator)

 Groundwater contaminant transport for a step input of finite duration with advection, dispersion, and retardation in one dimension

3-D Groundwater contaminant transport for a slug injection with advection and dispersion

Aquifer transmissivity T=Kb (free and includes table of hydraulic conductivities)



To LMNO Engineering home page (more calculations)


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LMNO Engineering, Research, and Software, Ltd.

7860 Angel Ridge Rd.   Athens, Ohio 45701  USA   Phone: (740) 707-2614
LMNO@LMNOeng.com    https://www.LMNOeng.com